Sunday 16 April 2017


RECIPE No.**                        STANDARD RECIPE CARD                 Roast chicken.jpg
Name of Dish:  POULET ROTI au JUS   Preparation Time:   5 minutes
Served with:     Roast gravy Cooking Time :       45 minutes
Portion Size :    No. of Portion :       4
Garnish :            Colour:                
Ref. Book :             
S/N Ingredients Qty. Unit Rate Amount
S/N Method :
1 Chicken - 1 kg  1 pc       1 Season on the cleaned chicken inside and outside with salt and keep aside.
2 Marinade:          2 Prepare the marinade by adding salt, pepper, herbs, vinegar, worcestershire
  Oil  100 ml         sauce in oil. Add the mire poix. Apply to the chicken. Rest for 2 hours.
  Vinegar  40 ml       3 Truss the chicken securely. 
  Worcestershire sauce 40 ml       4 In the roasting tray, make a base of mire poix and place the chicken.
  Salt 2 gm       5 Roast the chicken for 1 hour in pre-heated oven (1750 C to 1900 C) turning 
  White pepper  1 gm         occasionally; and basting frequently.
  Rosemary  a pinch       6 To test if cooked, pierce with fork between drumstick and thigh and hold over 
  thyme  a pinch         a plate. The juice coming out should show no sign of blood.
3 Mire poix         7 De-glaze the sediments in the roasting tray with red wine, stock and prepare 
  Carrots  100 gm         the roast gray. (Jus lie sauce)
  Onions  100 gm       8 Arrange the chicken in the platter with appropriate accompanument and serve 
  Celery stems 20 gm         with a separate sauce boat.
  Bay leaf  2          
  Peppercorns 6 pc          
  Total Cost :          
  Cost per Person :        
Prepared By-Chef Ashish Checked by

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