Sunday 16 April 2017


RECIPE No.**                        STANDARD RECIPE CARD                
Name of Dish:  POULET a la KIEV   Preparation Time:   25 minutes
Served with:       Cooking Time :       5 minutes
Portion Size :    No. of Portion :       4
Garnish :            Colour:                
Ref. Book :            Modern Cookery, Thangam E Philip; Vol. 2, page-158
S/N Ingredients Qty. Unit Rate Amount
S/N Method :
1 Chicken breast  4 pc       1 Halve chicken breasts removing skin but leaving main wing bone attached.
2 Chilled butter  100 gm       2 Place chicken breast between pieces of dampened wax paper.
3 Salt  2 gm       3 Pound until thin with a steak hammer or a rolling pin.
4 Pepper 2 gm       4 Chop mint and mix with butter. Place a ball of chilled mint-butter in the center
5 Fresh mint  1 gm          of each breast.
6 Refined flour 50 gm       5 Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roll up, letting wing bone protrude.
7 Egg - beaten 2       6 Dredge each roll lightly with flour. Dip in beaten egg and then in breadcrumb
8 Bread crumbs  50 gm         taking care to see that the roll is completely sealed.
9 Fat for (50 ml absorption) 500 ml        7 Place in freezer for at least 1 hour.
            8 Fry in deep fat for two or three minutes.
            9 Bake at 1750C for 30 minutes. Serve hot. 
  Total Cost :          
  Cost per Person :        
Prepared By-Chef Ashish Checked by

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