Monday 29 October 2018


                       STANDARD RECIPE CARD                
Name of Dish:  PALAK GOSHT   Preparation Time:   15 minutes
Served with:       Cooking Time :       45 minutes
Portion Size :    No. of Portion :       4
Garnish :            Colour:                
Ref. Book :             
S/N Ingredients Qty. Unit Rate Amount
S/N Method :
1 Mutton - curry cuts 750 gm       1 Soak the lamb in warm water for 15 minutes to lighten the lolour.
2 Ginger  20 gm       2 Puree the ginger, garlic and green chillies in a blender. Whisk the yoghurt and 
3 Garlic  20 gm         add to the g/g paste together with 1/4 teaspoon cumin powder.
4 Green chilli  10 gm       3 Marinate the lamb in this mixture for at least 1 hour, longer if possible. Mean-
5 Yoghurt  100 ml         while, blanch the spinach in boiling water with a little salt for 10 seconds, drain 
6 Cumin powder  5 gm         and puree the spinach in a mixture.
7 Spinach  200 gm       4 Heat the oil in cooking potwith the cinnamon or bay leaf, cardamom and 
8 Oil  100 ml         cloves. When the oil is really hot and the cinnamon leaf begins to fry, add the 
9 Bayleaf  1         onions. Fry till brown.  
10 Black cardamom  2       5 Add the meat, stir well and cook over a moderate heat for 10 minutes, until 
11 Cloves  4         the yoghurt is absorbed. Add powder spices, saute meat for 3 minutes, stirring 
12 Onions - chhopped  225 gm         continuously, then add the tomatoes and cook for a couple of minutes.
13 Coriander powder  2 gm       6 Add two cups hot water, turn the heat low, cover with a lid and leave to sim.
14 Tomatoes - chopped  150 gm       7 When the meat is almost done, add the pureed spinach, taste for salt and mix 
15 Salt  5 gm         well, Cook for 5 minutes, uncovered. When ready to serve, sprinkle with a 
16 Nutmeg powder  0.5 gm         little nutmeg powder and add a knob of butter if liked.
  Total Cost :          
  Cost per Person :        
Prepared By:- Chef Ashish Raina Checked by

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