Monday 29 October 2018


                       STANDARD RECIPE CARD                
Name of Dish:  Dal ka Shorba   Preparation Time:   20 minutes
Served with:       Cooking Time :       30 minutes
Portion Size :    No. of Portion :       5
Garnish :            Colour:                
Ref. Book :            SARASWAT - 70
S/N Ingredients Qty. Unit Rate Amount
S/N Method :
1 Masur dal 150 gm       1 PREPARATION
2 Chicken stock  1.8 liter         The lentil: Pick, wash and soak for 20 minutes. Drain.
3 Groundnut oil  50 ml         The Vegetables: Chop onion, garlic, potatoes and wash curry leaves.
4 Onions  40 gm         The Coconut: Remove the skin and grate.
5 Garlic  10 gm         The Apple: Wash and chop.
6 Curry leaves  10         The Chicken: Remove the skin, debone and cut chicken into dices.
  Curry powder  15 gm          
  Coconut  30 gm         COOKING
  Apples  80 gm         Heat oil in a stock pot, add onions, garlic and curry leaves, saute over medium 
  Potatoes  75 gm         heat for 30 seconds add dal, and curry powder and stir for 15 seconds. Then 
  Seasoning           add coconut, apples and potatoes and stir for 30 seconds. Now add chicken 
  Lemon juice 15 ml         stock and seasoning bring to a boil, then simmer for 20-25 minutes. Now add
  Cream  60 ml         lemon juice and stir. Put the soup in a blender and make a puree. Strain. Tra-
  Boiled chicken 60 gm         sfer puree to the stock pot, bring to a boil, add cream and stir. Adjust the sea-
              TO SERVE
              Serve hot garnished with chicken and boiled rice.
  Total Cost :          
  Cost per Person :        
Prepared By:- Chef Ashish Raina Checked by

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